
Machine learning: what is it and what are its benefits?

Machine learning: what is it and what are its benefits?

With the digital era in full swing, Today’s 21st century entrepreneur has at his disposal an infinite number of technological tools through which he can guarantee his success and the correct position of his brand in the industry and in the imaginary of his clients. Among the hundreds of options that the technology market offers, It is essential today to incorporate artificial intelligence (and its different branches) into each and every one of the processes that are executed within your organization.

The versatility, efficiency and practicality that characterize artificial intelligence are unquestionably reflected in one of its branches: machine learning. Find out in this New Digital Hub note what it is about, how you can implement it in your company, and what benefits this discipline offers you in terms of productivity, efficiency and cost reduction.

Machine Learning: What is it?

Machine learning or Automatic Learning, in Spanish, is a discipline that arises from AI, specially designed to perform tasks without direct human intervention. Through its system of algorithms, the Machine Learning models (supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning), as they learn from the training data and information provided, begin to develop solutions that gradually evolve and they allow you to generate complete and autonomous analytical models for the study of data.

Although it seems taken from a fictional movie, ML, today, is present in many of the services we use in our daily lives, simply because it is a fact that we tend to go unnoticed. For example, Spotify, by means of this technology and a set of data capture and segmentation formats, managed to develop its well-known “Discover Weekly” recommendation model. Every Monday, This platform offers its consumers a fully personalized list of songs and albums that ML, Thanks to its automatic learning has identified and selected. According to their behavior patterns, and that it considers may be to their liking.

It is, without a doubt, a very useful tool for the corporate world that, together with RPA ( robotic process automation ), has the potential to improve and increase productivity and efficiency in the execution of processes, providing predictive models. for problem solving, based solely on data.

How to apply machine learning in a company?

Now, Machine Learning, like all other iconic artificial intelligence disciplines, is characterized by its versatility and transversal design. The algorithm in general was created to learn from the data and thus generate high-value solutions, A fact that allows it to be incorporated into any type of organization, regardless of its economic activity. From streaming platforms, through social media and transport companies such as Uber or Cabify, To the immeasurable Google, All of them implement this technology on a regular basis in order to provide a personalized and attractive service for their customers.

Despite the fact that the best-known examples of the use of this technology are large companies with a global presence such as Google, Spotify, Netflix, or social networks such as Facebook. Twitter, Pinterest and others. This does not mean that smaller organizations cannot Use this solution to improve your processes. Due to the fact that all companies currently have to deal with information and data on a daily basis, In addition to being obliged to guarantee service and attention according to the needs of their clients, ML has the potential to become your ideal strategic ally for the analysis of data.

In general, some of the main tasks that ML can develop in your company revolve around:

  • Identification and classification of similar patterns.
  • Control of quality standards and fraud detection.
  • Clustering or analysis and grouping into specific sets by similarities.
  • Execution of market studies.
  • Management of chatbots.
  • Process automation.
  • Predictive maintenance and energy consumption management.
  • Analysis and characterization of customer behavior patterns (profiling).
  • Generation of models for recommending products and services to users, according to their needs and tastes.
  • Study and evaluation of the competitors present in your industry.

Benefits of Machine Learning

In addition to developing all the tasks that we mentioned above. ML offers companies innumerable competitive and economic advantages; Here we list some of them:

  • Greater efficiency and constant improvement of processes.
  • Reduction of costs and use of resources (human, economic and time).
  • Optimization of operations.
  • Generation of opportunities to provide a personalized service according to the tastes of customers.
  • Increase in the level of security of computer systems.
  • Decreased margin of error in the execution of tasks.
  • Identification and obtaining of high value information that can go unnoticed by the human eye.

Greater agility in data management and analysis.

With a deeper understanding of all the advantages. Tasks, and considerable contributions that this discipline can offer you. What are you waiting for to incorporate it into your operation? With the support and personalized advice of New Digital Hub.  As an expert in process automation software  and implementation of artificial intelligence systems. You will be able to start enjoying all the benefits that we mention throughout this article in the shortest possible time. Do not hesitate any longer and contact us to digitally transform your company and thereby increase the profitability and productivity of your business.

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Written by New Digital Hub

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